Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happiness Plateau

Today I had an interesting conversation with my husband. I told him that lately I've been feeling sort of, well....blah. I'm happy with my life but I keep feeling like 'so you're happy, now what?' It's like a happiness plateau.  I've tried hard to ignore it because the feeling doesn't seem to add up. I'm the most fulfilled I have been in a very long time. I've got a great job that I thoroughly enjoy. I finally started my blog. I've got the free time I've been craving to spend with friends and family. We finally started re-decorating our house. For all practical purposes, I finally have a "normal" life.

So what's the problem??!!

Well first let me confess that I still don't know, but I've boiled it down as best I can to a few things.
  • I'm used to having a certain amount of drama in my life. I'm not talking Jerry Springer here. I mean crises. I'm used to constantly having to juggle the various dilemmas of balancing work and family and I don't really have that problem now.
  • Maybe I'm getting the proverbial "itch". You know, maybe I'm getting the instinct. There! I said it. 
  • Maybe the world's gonna end in 2012.....*crickets*...bwahahaha!
Okay, seriously! Like I said I don't have it all figured out. In an attempt not to jinx myself I will only say this. Reaching a life plateau can be a valuable thing. It has given me the time to examine, analyze and revisit several areas of my life. Living a drama free life can be uncomfortable in a culture that craves and celebrates drama and crises. When you reach a plateau period in life, there can be a tendency to undermine its value and incite drama because that's a comfort zone. The best advice I have to give is when you reach a fresh, sunny, quiet place in life, sit still a while and take it all in.


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