Today I had an interesting conversation with my husband. I told him that lately I've been feeling sort of, well....blah. I'm happy with my life but I keep feeling like 'so you're happy, now what?' It's like a happiness plateau. I've tried hard to ignore it because the feeling doesn't seem to add up. I'm the most fulfilled I have been in a very long time. I've got a great job that I thoroughly enjoy. I finally started my blog. I've got the free time I've been craving to spend with friends and family. We finally started
So what's the problem??!!
Well first let me confess that I still don't know, but I've boiled it down as best I can to a few things.
- I'm used to having a certain amount of drama in my life. I'm not talking Jerry Springer here. I mean crises. I'm used to constantly having to juggle the various dilemmas of balancing work and family and I don't really have that problem now.
- Maybe I'm getting the proverbial "itch". You know, maybe I'm getting the instinct. There! I said it.
- Maybe the world's gonna end in 2012.....*crickets*...bwahahaha!